Where can I find peer-reviewed articles in respective databases?
Many library databases, such as Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) and Education Collection (ProQuest), have peer-reviewed publications. In these databases, there will be a Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals limiter that you can select to limit your results to these articles.
To look for peer-reviewed resources, start at the Databases page: https://libguides.suss.edu.sg/az/databases. In each database, look for the option to limit your results to “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” when entering your search terms.
Example from an EBSCO database:
Another way to determine if a journal is peer-reviewed is to view the record for an article in the EBSCO database and click on the name of the publication (Source). This will bring up a Publication Details screen that tells you whether or not it is peer-reviewed.
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