Can I search more than one EBSCO database at a time?


The quick answer is yes, you can search one or more of databases by the same database vendor in one search. Here's how to run a simultaneous search:

EBSCO databases

Start at the Databases page:

Select Academic Search Premier or any of the EBSCO databases that you want to search.

Above the search box, click Choose Databases.

A new pop-up window will appear, with a list of all the EBSCO databases the library subscribes to. Click the checkbox next to a database to include it in your search.

Select databases that are relevant to your topic. For instance if you are researching the psychological aspects of the effect of happiness on work productivity, you will want to choose the Psychology databases. Once you have selected your databases click OK to return to your search.

For more information about a database, hover your mouse over the text icon next to the database name. 

Now when you run your search you will be searching multiple databases at one time. If you forget which databases you have selected, you can click on Show All to see which ones you are searching.


  • Last Updated Jun 27, 2024
  • Views 177
  • Answered By

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