How do I access EBSCO resources through SUSS Library?

EBSCO resources are available on and off campus.

  1. Go to the SUSS library's Databases page at
  2. Select “EBSCO” from the drop-down for “Vendors” and click the "Search".

3. Select an EBSCO database eg. "Academic Search Premier”.

4. If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/ Staff.

Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)


5. At the EBSCO search page, key in your search terms and click on “Search”.



6. To search several EBSCO databases at the same time, select the option "Choose Databases”. 

7. Select the databases and click on "OK".



eBooks that are Digital Rights Management (DRM) free (DRM-free) can be read using any PDF or EPUB reader.  However, DRM-protected eBooks may require special software such as Adobe Digital Edition (ADE) to access the eBook offline.  Please refer to the below recommendations when using the eBook reader to mitigate security risks and control: 

1. The software must downloaded directly from the original and trusted source

2. Ensure the software and your computer is up-to-date

3. Review the Terms and Conditions of the reader software whether free or licensed

4. Don't store any PII data in the reader software

Please refer to the latest EBSCO Accessibility Information from EBSCO official website to find out the details:

(Last updated: 26 Dec 2024)


  • Last Updated Dec 26, 2024
  • Views 438
  • Answered By Cheng Gim Ong

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