How do I access CNKI resources?

  1. Go to SUSS library's Databases page at
  2. To view the English version of CNKI, please click on the main entry. To view the Traditional or the Simplified Chinese version of CNKI, please click on one of the following:

     3. If you encounter the following login screen,                      

         select Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff.

Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)


4. You will then be lead through RemoteXs to the CNKI page.

5. During peak periods, CNKI may require you to use a login id and password.  When this happens, please request for the ID and password from the library at

6. If you are not required to log in, the button on the top right-hand corner of the screen will show a LOGOUT button.


7. If you are required to log in, the button on the top right-hand corner of the screen will show a LOGIN button.   

           Please wait until the system completed the loading.

8. If you are required to log, please enter the ID and the password and click the LOGIN button. Do not click the IP LOGIN button. Please request the ID from the library.



9. If you want to change to a different version, please go back to Databases to do the selection again. Please do not change at the link shown below.



10. In the ENGLISH version, you will not see the download arrow. Instead, you will see a square icon that you will need to click to bring you to the original link.


11. If you see the download buttons in yellow instead of blue, it means that there is an issue with the access. Please refer to Step no. 5.

12. If you see  "您的IP已超出中国大陆的许可使用范围!您今年的应急服务次数已耗尽,暂无法登录",  it may mean that you have used your own personal ID. Please log out and log in using the ID and password provided  by the library. 


13. Please click  for the CNKI User guide.



  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2024
  • Views 1024
  • Answered By Cheng Gim Ong

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