How do I access Financial Times via Factiva?
Access to Financial Times is only available to faculty and full-time students from the School of Business.
You can also access articles from the Financial Times (FT) via Factiva, a news database subscribed by SUSS Library.
(Note: Articles from FT are only available from Factiva after 1 month of publication)
- Go to SUSS library's Databases page at
- Select “F” and select "Factiva".
- If you encounter the following login screen, select “Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff”.
Username: SUSS Username (Leave out
Password: SUSS Password (same as Canvas, MyMail)
- Click on “Search” and select “Search Builder”.
- Enter “Financial Times’
Select “Financial Times (Available to Academic Subscribers Only)”.
6. You can conduct your search by entering the specific article title or keywords/phrase. E.g. "United States".
Next, click the “Search” button on the right.
7. You may print, save or download selected articles from the search results.
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