How do I access CNKI eBooks?


You can access selected Chinese titles covering Chinese studies, language and literature, translation, and early Chinese education from the CNKI ebook collection. 

1. Go to SUSS library's Databases under 'C'. Scroll until you find 'CNKI eBooks'

2. Log in to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. 

    If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff.

    Username: SUSS Username (Leave out 
    Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)


3. Select "我的图书馆 My Library". Ebooks that are acquired by SUSS Library are available here. 


4. Select 'PDF' to download the ebook. To read online, please click 'Read'. 


5. Enter the name of the author, book title, or any keywords in the "Search in My Library" to conduct searches for the ebook you are looking for from our available CNKI ebook collection. 



  • Last Updated Jul 04, 2024
  • Views 440
  • Answered By Lim Bee Leng

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