How to access Newslink through SUSS Library?

Newslink is a newspaper database that offers news articles in pdf format and images published by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) newspapers such as The Straits Times, The Business Times, Berita Harian, Tamil Murasu, and Lianhe Zaobao. The Newslink resources are available on and off campus.

  1. Go to SUSS library's Databases page at

  1. Scroll till you find 'Newslink', select “Newslink”

  1. If you encounter the following login screen, select “Student, Associate or Faculty/ Staff”.

Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)


  1. If you see the screen below, please do not click the “LOGIN” button at the top right-hand corner of the screen as you have already successfully logged in. 

  1. If you see the “Hi User”, it means that the auto login is successful.

You should select and click only “Articles”, “Images”, “PDF” and “Online”.

Please do not click “Magazine” and “ANN” as we do not subscribe to these two resources.

  1. You can conduct a basic search by entering the article title or keywords, or the range of the published date of the article, photographs, or newspapers in PDF you are looking for.

  1. Click “Advanced Search” if you are looking for specific SPH’s newspapers.

  1. You can select any publications by filtering the list if you are searching for an article from a specific newspaper.

  1. You can refer to the FAQ at the bottom page if you want to find out more details, such as when are the newspapers uploaded onto Newslink.


  • Last Updated Jul 04, 2024
  • Views 538
  • Answered By Cheng Gim Ong

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