How do I access EDUCAUSE?


1. Go to SUSS library's Databases page, select "E" and then select "EDUCAUSE"

2. Or you may click here

3. Search for "Singapore University of Social Sciences" under the InCommon Federation login

4. Click on 'Singapore University of Social Sciences' 


5. Registration is required for the first-time user to access EDUCAUSE. 

6. Please refer to EDUCAUSE's Terms of Use and Privacy Notice before you provide your information to create a user profile. 

7. Create a User Profile if you are agreeable to the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice. Do take note that information such as Date of Birth is NOT a mandatory field. You can also choose to hide your profile from the public view. 

8. Please login using the Azure SSO if prompted when you access the EDUCAUSE after the registration. 


    A) Students and Associates

         Please use the domain

    B) Faculty and Staff (including IAL staff)

         Please use the domain


9. Repeat the above-mentioned steps #1 to #4 each time you access EDUCAUSE through SUSS Library's Databases A-Z.

  • Last Updated Jun 27, 2024
  • Views 154
  • Answered By Lim Bee Leng

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