What portion of a material produced by a CLASS member, can Faculty distribute to their students or convert into or from digital or other electronic machine-readable form?

CLASS License allows the following portion to be copied (up to the combined teacher and student headcount for any Course of Instruction) for educational use:

- 10% of the total number of pages in the book or up to 1 (one) chapter of the book

- In the case of works stored on electronic media, 10% of the number of bytes

- 1 (one) article from a periodical publication or 1 (one) or more articles of the same subject matter in the publication

- 1 (one) story, poem or case report in the case of collections of short stories, poems or case reports.


  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2024
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Manimekalai T

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