How to Create an EBSCO Account to Manage Your EBSCO Research Folder (MYEBSCO)?


1. Select Academic Search Complete (EBSCO).

2. Log in to SUSS Library if you are prompted. 

3. Click “Sign In” at the top right-hand corner of the page.

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4. Click “Create an Account”.

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5. Enter your name and your SUSS email address as the preferred contact email. Click “Create Account” once you have filled in the form. 

(Note: This is a separate account that does not synchronize with your SUSS CANVAS account.)


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6. DO NOT click “Sign-In” when you see the "Account created" message.

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7. Click any of the EBSCO databases that you wish to conduct searches.

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8. Click “Sign In” at the top right-hand corner of the selected EBSCO database.

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9. Once you successfully log in, your name should appear on the top right-hand corner of the screen.  You can see “Sign Out” on the screen too.

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10. Please “Sign In” by repeating step 8 to re-authenticate, if necessary.

  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2024
  • Views 75
  • Answered By Cheng Gim Ong

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